Sunday, 19 August 2012

World Cup - Sun Valley - Day 1 - Task 1

'Lauri Lauri Hallelujah, Lauri Lauri Hallelujah!' or 'It's raining men, Hallelujah, it's raining men'

Our recovery driver, Lauri, rescued us from the storm.  Just reward for asking Nick the Greek 'Why did they stop the task?'

It appears we may have appeased some or all of the 34 fire gods on offer at that great source of reliable information, Wikipedia.  In the process we appear to have annoyed one or more of the multitude of rain and water gods.  Puzzled?  It was the first day of world cup action and, accordingly, the first day of rain in Sun Valley in ninety days. 

A task of sixty kilometres was set to Twin Bridge via Borah (B03) @ 23km.  This was a two thermal task at best which started like a shred solo from Van Halen to 4,800m and ended in rain and hail amidst frantic calls of level three, level three!!.  One clown insisted on claiming level one, level one!! to every level three call, but he will have to crawl back into a hole once he understands that when Nate calls level two he means it's too late baby, now it's too late.  Nick followed Nate quickly and cracked the seal with a level three call before the flood gates opened (so to speak).


Task/Vario Stats
Max Alti: 4494m ASL
Max Vario (1s): 10.1 m/s
Max Vario (10s): 5.2

Today's shot from launch is still several airbrush sessions away from the Sun Valley promise, but encouraging none-the-less:

Sun Valley is a seriously beautiful place to fly and the local US pilots are enthusiastic and gracious hosts.
Pics are by Nick Greece flying from King Mountain two days before the comp

1 comment:

Keith said...

Hey Orbi. Awesome blog bud!!! Looking forward to your next post. Looks like amazing topography, when you can see through the smoke. Good luck old chap!!!