Sunday 24 September 2023

World Cup - Brazil 2023 - Pico do Gaviao, Andradas - Airborne Again

Why Hello there!  It has been many moons since my last post.  In fact the last blogpost I made happens to be from the same flying site almost exactly four years ago.  Pico do Gaviao: the place where they grow both coffee and olives which appears to be the perfect recipe for a three thousand meter cloudbase and hundred kilometer triangles all day everyday.

So much has happened since 2019 and I don't even know if  'Blogging' is even a thing anymore, but it doesn't bother me: I am in flying heaven enjoying communion with my favorite crew of world-cup hardened companions (Russel, KJ, & Jon). We have been travelling together for more than a decade and it is gratifying to be with people who understand me, have my back no matter what, and accept me as I am.  I have missed these trips more than I thought I could.

Speaking of having unconditional support, one unlucky pilot was arrested at Sao Paolo for a bizarre misunderstanding on the flight over, and was detained over-night in the airport police cells until the world cup pilots could scrape $10,000 dollars together for bail.  I'm not sure what will happen to him after the comp, but he is free to fly for now.  What a nightmare!

Practice Day: Saturday 23 September 2023

You guessed it: potent thermals, high cloud-base, cloud streets, moderate wind.  We flew a quick 65km triangle of sorts which felt effortless in the buoyant conditions delivering 10km glides between climbs in the most relaxing flight I have had in years.  

The world cup has seen some structural changes with new people joining after Ruth and Ulrich retired recently.  Goran is still in charge looking lean and fit and has said they are trying to modernize the world cup.  The local organizer seems very professional as we have come to expect in Brazil.

A shout-out to Ruth and Ulrich is in order. They served the PWCA unfailingly for many years.  We are grateful for their service.

The launch site is probably the best I have ever enjoyed I raved about it in a 2017 post :

We are in Aguas da Prata to fly Pico do Gaviao which quite possibly has the most impressive launch setup of any site I have visited anywhere in the world.  There are launch areas for any wind direction with a coffee shop, cooled water fountain, serviced ablutions, ample shade, and souvenir shop with easy chairs and mobile phone charge lockers.  Auguas da Prata is located in the state of Sao Paulo some 200km+ north of Sao Paulo.  The population is around eight thousand which makes for a fairly quaint atmosphere when combined with Brazilian hospitality.

They have added wifi and hammocks to the perfect setup since that visit.

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