Monday, 17 June 2013

Weight Shift

Who would have thought that the there would be a positive spin-off of the EN-D comp-debacle?
Around the globe we find a bunch of extra large men munching on carrot sticks, sipping Perrier and nibbling on calorie deficient foodstuffs as though a metro-sexual revolution has swept the global paragliding ranks.
The reason is simple:  If you want to be competitive at the upcoming world championships in Bulgaria, then you have a choice of glider and size.  Order anything you like as long as it is a medium GIN Boomerang 9. 
I was deciding how to go about trimming down for this season, so I asked my son, Sebastian, for advice. 
It went something like this:
Dad: I need to lose, weight.  What do you suggest?
Son: Why do people get fat dad?
Dad: If they are not sick, it is probably because they eat too much or don't get enough exercise.
Son: Is aunty Dorothy sick?
Dad: Not as far as I know, why?
Son: Are you sick dad?
Dad: Never mind.
...And thus, armed with the wisdom of a seven year old, I cut out beer and carbs and voila!  My target of 13 pounds shed in six weeks with four weeks to go .. I may even have the luxury of ballast this time.
I thought I was the only one with this problem, but it turns out there are several big lads out there turning lean.  The difference this time is that it looks like none of the manufacturers are having much success certifying anything other than medium size gliders so it has to be a lifestyle change rather than a crash course.  Time to stop weight training and start swimming again I guess...
Come to think of it, there are probably a whole group out there with the opposite problem.  What are they doing?  Sumo-style feasts, steroids and heavy weight training maybe?

1 comment:

Tom Payne said...

> Come to think of it, there are probably a whole group out there with the opposite problem. What are they doing? Sumo-style feasts, steroids and heavy weight training maybe?

I tried beer. Hoped to grow a belly. Didn't work. Still skinny as F and need ballast to fly a size S. The B9 is only for size Ms. Paragliding competitions now utterly uninteresting for those who don' t weigh the right amount. 70% of pilots in which was already a small sport are excluded. Pilots are only interested in games that they can aspire to take part in. Paragliding is no longer that sport. Game over.