Wednesday, 6 July 2011

World Championships - Spain - Day 2 - Task 2

Conditions were not so good today 'they' said so we had to bumble around below take off height to get the remote turn point before a start in town and another turn point west before a run to Avila 50km to the east.

Mixed success for SA. Andre fast, Russel fast but low, Henry and Khobi short.

Five reserve deployments and two serious incidents.

Henry: 'I'm sulking in a corner contemplating slitting my wrists after the pleasant cross country of yesterday'. This after landing at the pass.

Russel and big bad Brad from US: 'those power lines man! I mean hey dude! We were worried.. That's how low we were. Had to mince it up in a little scrappy bubble big enough for half a wing. Lost half an hour but better than landing. R11 looked like a jelly fish.'

The pic is of Brad Gunnuscio US team and full time paragliding instructor and acro pilot. Lives on north side point of the mountain in Draper Utah near salt lake city. This dude launches from his back door. Brad has been flying for fifteen years.. His dad was a hangy in the seventies. Claims to fame: US champion 2009; 2010 Monarca champion in Valle de Bravo Mexico; Brazilian open champ 2010; has beaten Felix at least once in acro. Pride and joy is 9 year old son Skyler who has two paragliders in his closet and has been flying since age 12 months.

1 comment:

Keith said...

Fantastic result Orbi!!! Terrible to hear about the fatalities!!! Fly safe buddy and keep it solid! Keith